Monday, June 28, 2010


Just by happenstance I hiked 3 miles yesterday and biked 6. That, my friends, is a monumental effort for me that was both easy and fun.

Several of us hiked up Bear Creek to "the chutes," which are a breathtaking series of rocks with white water rushing over them edged by boulders. In the mid to late summer people can slide down the flattened rocks for 30 feet or so and land in a deep pool. But this time of year Mother Nature is showing off, and the sound alone brings a little fear into your heart!

Later in the day I biked over to Cronies Circle, a gathering of eight or nine women who laugh, share, cry, whine and generally enjoy one an other's company. Somehow the topic of the weirdest jobs we've had came up...what a surprise! A topless dancer, a bartender, who would have guessed! We've already lived so many lifetimes. We closed with a visualization and prayer for the Gulf of Mexico, and indeed all the waters...for one can't be pristine without all of them being so.

Neither can we.

So today was a less active day. A few joints were reminding me of their hard work, and I didn't really want to bike much. Tomorrow, if luck is with me, I'll be horseback riding with my granddaughter. What a wonderful life: love, friendship, awesome nature surrounding us, and above all, a healthy body willing to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I confess to a twinge of envy at your healthy willing body! Mine is not up to hikes and bikes these days. Patience must be practiced. Good that you can enjoy such wonderful activities, even horseback riding, wow!