Thursday, May 10, 2012


I believe a primal germ of creativity pushes at us humans and from that pressure arises symphonies, sculptures, poetry, in all its forms. This germ has been with us since the first woman found a beautiful flower and brought it home to lay on the rock shelf of her cave. The next day, she drew the flower on the cave wall to signify her comittment to personal expression. In writing my second book, I am creating a universe. In this I feel powerful beyond measure. I didn't have this experience with the first book since I knew the characters, plot, timeframe, outcome, setting, etc. But in the new book, my characters grow attributes every time my fingers work the keyboard. I create every nuance, and every line they speak. I schedule their time, change the weather, record their thoughts, and create the scenes they see outside their windows. The freedom I experience in this new effort is beyond calculation. I can time travel, wax poetic, vent--all depending on my mood, or the need of the plot at the time. Once I access my growing manuscript, only my characters and their daily lives fill me up, as I'm sure a sculptor becomes the clay, as his hands and tools mold the figure. And what of the composer? Her body cells sing her concerto as she notes the music for each piece of the orchestra. Yesterday I was swimming laps and imagining what scene is wanting to be written next while I watched the bubbles from my nose fly by underwater. So not only is there freedom in the moment of creation, but I'm free to leave my daily life at any point and inhabit the fictional world: feel out, explore, and plan the lives of my beloved characters. (Well, one I don't love so much, but that's okay, because he's FICTION!!) So forgive me, reader, if I am irregular on this blog. I am building a universe in my spare time. And if I'm diligent, lucky, and deeply emancipated, every page will reflect "one truth," the definition of "universe." My writing reflects my truth, which I believe will resonate with the Universal Truth that resides within the reader's heart. In the best of art, music, poetry, dance, the viewer/reader's inner voice is saying, "Yes! Yes!" until the final note (page, picture, line), after which a huge sigh of gratitude arises to have been lifted, transported from one Universe to another by a fellow traveler, and returned safely home.

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