Taking in, truly grokking, that I live on and from a planet "hanging" in space is the greatest mystery, and allows room for deep spiritual inquiry. This planet and all her creations, physical properties and location has grown us and our collective consciousness. We respond on a moment-to-moment basis to promptings unexamined, hidden from us, overlaid by our thinking, problem-solving-survival instincts, and driven by invisible physiologic processes.
That we have individual identities that generally survive even massive onslaught is another mystery we cannot fathom. We have arrived at this moment through both survival of the "fittest" and serendipity. The coming together of generations of ancestors, of my mother and father and their union, creates this being, this ray or stream of energy who has negotiated the mega and micro influences operating 24/7 for 66 years and 9 months, so far. That ANYTHING is predictable speaks to the power of our left brain hemispheres. That compassion and devotion still survive on the planet speaks to the power of our right brain hemispheres.
The fact of our interconnection is beyond dispute, but as a species we forgot. Now, this very time in history, we are getting innumerable signals, teachings inklings, data, feedback that: Oh yes! not only are we all one, but your survival literally depends on me, and mine on you. Unequivocally. We knew for centuries on a tribal level; now we are grasping the one awareness on a planetary level.
The phenomenon is not dissimilar to when the species moved from matriarchy to patriarchy. The awareness of woman's magical creative powers to bring forth new life grew into the awareness of male power to initiate that life process, and the fabric of tribal life started to change. Awareness (consciousness) created that shift.
Now our responses to new consciousness creates new behaviors, as we choose to act for the benefit of the many--indeed, for the benefit of the planet and all the life she spawns. Individually we respond to promptings and from this, new understandings arise, and the whole planet is affected, moment by moment as we rotate through endless space. This is our birthright, our destiny, and the gift we return in deep humility. This is our purpose and our service to future generations.
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