After a lovely afternoon with my daughter and the girls, who gifted me with a funny card, a can of huckleberry tea and their sweet presences, I returned home. Just as I arrived the phone rang. "Hi Mom, Happy Mother's Day!" I was astonished. How could this be? Geoff was calling during his 2-week communication black out. He said the staff had surprised them and allowed them to make Mother's Day Blessing calls!
He sounded good, in spite of congestion from a "bad cold" he'd had for a few days. Said they keep them busy, food is great, and he's been sleeping fine. One other fellow his age, the rest younger. Great relief on my part.
Did I mention there's a new colt at Autumn's? He's solid on his spindly legs now, and hovers near mom when humans approach. Naps are important too. The girls' named him "Patriot." He's the son of a very successful and responsive cutting horse. His mom wasn't all that friendly about haltering, and petting, but now she's settled. Funny how mothering changes one's personality.
My daughter, for example, was the one who refused to babysit, with or without monetary reward. She told me at one point as a young teen that I could give up thinking she'd have children. What a hoot! She is as devoted, protective and tireless as Patriot's mom, with a million more variables thrown in!
I had an interview for a job this morning. They asked what three events in my life had majorly effected me, and how had they changed me? Motherhood, motherhood and motherhood. And I'm so glad they did! How did they change me? Downloads of empathy, compassion, self discipline, and amazement at the mysteries of human life. Each child has taught me different lessons; no, that's not quite accurate. Each child continues to teach me in different ways.
Last night I ignited our burn pile of prunings and lumber ends. I sat nearby with the hose, thankful to have a moment to reflect on each of my babies. I deeply acknowledged their amazing influence on my growing sense of self, and felt my pride in them swelling like the buds on the trees.
This lifetime my devotion was to family while negotiating careers, relationship changes, and financial challenges. I'm still serving, now the second generation. Maybe I'll get to see a third generation emerge, adding new limbs on this funny family tree. Rubbing that baby's cheek to mine may be the sweetest moment this lifetime offers. May I be so lucky.
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