Friday, February 12, 2010


The question is rightfully: "From whence cometh Thy strength?" The answers this week are: from my Sufi practices; from my circle of Sufi brothers and sisters; from cards, flowers, notes from friends; from a particular friend who is a therapist who did some serious reality checks with me; from a Jungian therapist who gave two hours of his precious time to sit with me; from my Sufi teacher who came 250 miles to my house for breakfast and more loving reflection; from the prospect of attending an Adult Children of Alcoholics meeting on Monday; from my dear dear partner who holds me when I am caving in; from the snow-capped mountains I see from my yard; and my own amazing resiliant nature that seeks balance and generates healing waking or asleep.

My cheek reveals only the thinnest pink 2.5 inch scar; my heart is opening again. I'll see my son tomorrow. The crisis is over.

God is Good.

1 comment:

Charlotte Henson said...

Hurray!! I'm so glad.

Charlotte Sabora